
Genetic Molecule Map

The theme and development of this piece is and always has been based around “Eco-system” and through the combination of two images ( a DNA strand and a world map ). this piece speaks volumes about the connectivity between each other and our environment. The processes and concepts used to approve the theme changed dramatically over the development stage, starting with ways to represent the most basic of Eco-systems to, the analysis of the creative process as an Eco-system, which then led to the final concept; the comparison of two Eco-systems; the human race and the environment we live in,  both contributing to one greater Eco-system.  In conclusion, this piece will explore the higher level of connectivity we have with each other and the environment.

Contextual Document Abstract

This contextual document will outline the main turning points of development and concepts in the creation of “Genetic Molecule Map”. First it will analysis the motivation of the creation and and angles taken to achieve to final product. The body of the text will consist of highly detailed explanations of the development and concepts and their effects on the process and final outcome. And finally it will conclude all mentioned and explain to over all intentions of the piece.

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