


In 1868 a Swiss physician named Friedrich Miescher, isolated a compound call Nuclein, from the nuclei of cells. This is today called nucleic acid. The NA in DNA and RNA.


The image of DNA is a features heavily in GM Map. Now, having close to no scientific education made it hard to completely understand DNA, but it is explained like this according to wikipedia
“Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.”
“DNA is well-suited for biological information storage”
“Along with RNA and proteins, DNA is one of the three major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.”

“E=MC^2     is perhaps the most famous equation of all time. It stands for E(negery) = Mass times the Speed of Light (C) squared. What this means is that if you take the mass of an object and multiply it by the speed of light (2.9 x 10^8 metres per second) you will then have calculated the amount of energy.”
After a bit of research i found people who proposed the idea that this forumual was created not to to calculate amount of energy. But was to explains that light, mass and everything that we perceive, everything that makes our reality equals energy.
Inhabitants (animals, plants)
Components of inhabitants (organs, thing large enough for us to see.)
This was explained in a video, simplified the ‘levels’ of reality. Clearly pointing out that everything is energy.

Cartography(map making)

Cartography is said to have been practiced for possibly up to 8,000 years.

“Mapping represented a significant step forward in the intellectual development of human beings and it serves as a record of the advancement of knowledge of the human race, which could be passed from members of one generation to those that follow in the development of culture.”

The earliest known maps are of the stars and not the earth, Dots dating to 16,500 BCE found on the walls of the Lascaux.

The greeks were credited with beginning the first the assign a sound mathematical footing. The earliest know greek known to have made a map was Anaximander. 6th century BC, he drew a map of the known world assuming the that the earth was cylindrical. The first Greek to draw a world, assuming the earth was spherical was Eratosthenes. The first Greek to draw a world map using latitudes and longitudes was Ptolomey.


The earliest map of the world found was made by the Babylonians 600 years before the birth of Jesus.

The Waldseemuller map was the first where the name America appears.

Hendrik_Hondius[2]This map was created by Hendrik Hondius in 1630

google-maps[2]And of course we have modern cartography, moving from paper and print, into the digital age. With the use of satellites for GPS and the internet for mass production the ideas involved with navigation and maps has changed dramatically.

To see a complete World map evaluation 

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