
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about anamorphic art/typography is a piece i did last year which was visually similar to my current project. (below)

typo 1 experiment
I have used this style a few times now where creating a visual piece and its something I am growing very fond of.

After looking through my blogs i came across another example of this technique that I’ve seen but not made the connection.


This is a piece by artiest Jonty Hurwitz and one of my favorite sculptures right now. This takes the concept of perspective art to a new degree. (Hurwitz, 2013)

After further research into pieces similar to Jonty’s piece i found that the concepts he uses are used in a 2D manner quite frequently. (see below)

anamorphicdrawing anamorphic10

The difference between these pieces and the “Genetic Molecule Map” will be that GM map will use the fact that you must interacted and change maybe maybe change your eye level or angle, as a vessel, to communicate certain ideas about universal connectivity.

The image of DNA is a features heavily in GM Map. Now, having close to no scientific education made it hard to completely understand DNA, but it is explained like this according to wikipedia
“Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.”
“DNA is well-suited for biological information storage”
“Along with RNA and proteins, DNA is one of the three major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life.”

“E=MC^2     is perhaps the most famous equation of all time. It stands for E(negery) = Mass times the Speed of Light (C) squared. What this means is that if you take the mass of an object and multiply it by the speed of light (2.9 x 10^8 metres per second) you will then have calculated the amount of energy.”
After a bit of research i found people who proposed the idea that this forumual was created not to to calculate amount of energy. But was to explains that light, mass and everything that we perceive, everything that makes our reality equals energy.

Inhabitants (animals, plants)
Components of inhabitants (organs, thing large enough for us to see.)

This was explained in a video, simplified the ‘levels’ of reality. Clearly pointing out that everything is energy.

The other image that I’m hoping to make an impression, is the world map. There are many variations of the map and after little research i found many that interested me. (below)


(data map of people of Facebook, the amount of time they spend online and there social links)


(Mario world map)


(I found it funny how new zealand has been missed out and is titled “The world as we know it”)


(Paint splatter map)

Click to See them all

These are visually pleasing, entertaining and i very much enjoyed looking though the many that very online but I feel the GM Map will use the world map to say something it has not said before.



The development of this project went in many different ways and i think that this combination of approaches to the theme of ‘Eco-system’ was important to the final outcome.

When set this theme, i immediately steered away from directly referencing anything to do with the natural world, trying to do something different from what would normally be associated with ‘Eco-system’. This approach lead to the analysis of my own creative process. The process I followed before the project was very vague, but after the analysis, it lead to immediate changes. After some research into the meaning of the word eco-system, i felt like I’d like to communicate some simple, aesthetic ideas like growth and repetition.

This piece was created with the simple idea that growth can be shown through shape contrast.

This piece was created with the simple idea that growth can be shown through shape contrast.

My concept of repetition was translated simply to a circle format .

My concept of repetition was translated simply to a circle format .

Feeling happy with my progress at this point I then moved on the ways to display these works in a way that would analysis the creation process and force me to change the process, in order to create something unlike what i have created before. While exploring certain options, the idea of using shadow as a media stood out to me, because of the natural properties.

 Brainstorm of ideas. Paper cuts to produce shadow art. Spiral paper cut inside tube.

Brainstorm of ideas. Paper cuts to produce shadow art. Spiral paper cut inside tube.

Conveyer belt, shadow stop motion.

Conveyer belt, shadow stop motion. Sun dial

This was a concept for a analog piece of mechanics that would display the stages of my art as a shadow slide show

This was a concept for a analog piece of mechanics that would display the stages of my art as a shadow slide show.

My focus soon moved from the shadow to the thing making it. I then decided to display my stages of creation through paper cuts.

Paper cuts displayed as a stack or vertically on one piece of paper.

Paper cuts displayed as a stack or vertically on one piece of paper.

The idea of stacking the stages on top of each other then lead me back to ideas about layering these stages to create someone unlike the original finished piece.

Concepts for paper stack shadow

Concepts for paper stack shadow

My thinking inverted after producing this concept and i turned to the idea of instead of cutting shapes from paper and allowing the light to create the shape, i thought i would try using the cut out shapes so that the shadow is the shape and the light fulls the shape around it.

This gave birth to what I once considered to be the final point of my development process. My ‘lightbox’ concept use the construct of a box to place my paper cut shape in such positions so that when a light is shone from behind, a abstract piece is projected on to a screen on the front.

Start of lightbox development.

Start of lightbox development.

Final lightbox concept

Final lightbox concept

I sat on this for a while, working of other projects, thinking i had this project sorted. But when i came back to it and started to make the blog i felt like something was not quite right. So back into development it went. Starting the design process again was hard and for a while nothing came to mind. Then i moved along to ideas about using the tooth picks as the main thing that creates the silhouette. The shadow concept was dropped again and GM map came into view.

Final concept drawing for Genetic Molecule Map

Final concept drawing for Genetic Molecule Map

Genetic Molecule Map construction experiment

Genetic Molecule Map construction experiment

The frame and DNA ladder with be constructed with a thick, mat, paper. The main section will be constructed by cutting away one third of a paper cylinder, leaving only the DNA ladder connected, wooden stick will be held by the cylinder creating the DNA appearance. Then a world map will projected on to the paper and sticks from front on, then painted on with black paint.

After this piece is constructed, my hope is that it may communicate the ideas and beliefs about universal connectivity that I can not explain through words.

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